Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Made to look like the bad guy.

Jose, Jonathan, Coco
In my last post I mentioned a friend named Jonathan, well Jonathan isn't exactly a friend anymore. The first night Jonathan and I ever met was at club lucky's at the house of blues in downtown Disney. I was standing outside at the top of the stair case and he walked up to me asking me where he's suppose to go to meet Girlicious, like I work there or something lol. Anyways I let Jim know where to go and that was that. A lot of time passes and one day I have a friend request from him on Facebook. So when start talking and eventually exchange phone numbers. One night I'm out with my bestie Christina at norms restaurant when Jonathan calls me. I tell him where I'm at and he ends up showing up at the restaurant to hang out and actually meet for the first time (2nd). Pretty much from that night forward we started going out all the time, as friends just to make that clear. We went to clubs, we went for drives around his old neighborhood to talk, we went to eat and I remember this one time after the club we went to the park, well first, we both had a bit too much to drink. We stopped at McDonald's and peed in the bushes there then on the way home decided to go to the park. The park we went to is a private park and it was closed so we couldn't get in which sucked but we sat in the car for about an hour and we talked then we started watching porn on his phone lol until the police showed up and told us to leave. That was a very interesting night. When it was just Jonathan and we had fun together. He was even spending the night at my house and I never have anyone spend the night. Anyways despite him being a pretty good friend he had some serious issues. I was there for him from the beginning, day or night, 24/7. He would call me late at night/early morning crying and I would listen to him and talk with him to calm him down. I remember one night he just had a lot going on his life and in his head, he called me, we talked for a bit and then he asked if I could just stay on the phone with him until he fell asleep and I did. I was always there for him to listen, to give him advice or encouragement. I tried to be the best friend I could to him.

Every single person I know that I introduced him to hated him and that's fine, everyone has their own opinions. But when you start causing drama because you don't know how to 1- keep your mouth shut and 2- you don't know how to talk to people then yes that's gonna be a serious problem. Every night we went out he'd Piss someone off and the only reason he didn't get his ass beat was because of me. One night we went to Hamburg Mary's and the night started out great. We met these lesbians who were fun and we were talking to them then all of a sudden he starts talking bad about himself, which he does a lot, and then starts giving them attitude for no reason. He's basically being a buzz kill and an ass. Then the girl let him have it, I mean she fucking ripped him a new one. I could have jumped in and stopped it but honestly Jonathan needed to hear evergreen she had to say and the sad part is he didn't listen.

Now somewhere along the line of our friendship he got jealous or envious of me, or something. It was just before his birthday and I was in my mom's car waiting for her while she was in office max. After we were gonna head to target where I was gonna get part of Jonathan's birthday gift. So as I'm waiting there I get a text from Jonathan saying he thinks that I'm just using him and that he's questioning our friendship. So I reply, what the hell are you talking about? Why would you even think that? Then he says out of nowhere, "I feel like I'm your +1" so I'm totally confused on what's going on and I ask him to explain what he means. He basically says, when we go out I'm VIP and that he's my +1, just there. He said that I always go mingle and talk to almost everyone at the club and I'm such a social butterfly. My response to him about all that was, "yes, I am a social butterfly and yes I go mingle but its not like I ditch you. I take you with me and I introduce you to every single person I talk to. As far as you feeling like you're just my +1 I'm sorry if i ever made you feel that way. It was never my intentions. And as far as using you, I'm not, why would you think I'm using you?" He relies, "we never hang out outside the club and you seem to be hanging out more and more with Jose." To which I say, "ok I understand now but here's the thing, Jonathan, you're not working. I'm not working. You live in Brea and I live in Westminster, its very far. It's not like you live 5 min away. The only reason I don't invite you places or say let's hang out is because that takes gas and money that neither of us have. If I had a job I'd so invite you everywhere because I would pay. As for hanging out with Jose more, he's my friend and he lives 5 mins away." Not to mention I like Jose, but I didn't say that lol. So after that little discussion is pretty much when I started to avoid him completely because it just really struck a nerve with me. It probably wasn't the best thing or even the right thing to do but I just felt I couldn't stay in this kind if a friendship with him anymore.

I believe if I remember right the last time I ever Hung out with Jonathan was that night at hamburger Mary's but that wasn't then end of our friendship. Towards the end of last year I got news the an ex co-worker was dying of cancer and that she was hoping to make it till Christmas. The good news is she made past new years :) but past away soon after the new year. That evening Jonathan called me asking if I wanted to go out, I explained my day to him and how I just got home from a funeral and I wasn't really in the mood to go out but he convinced me that I should and I agreed after all I just wanted to escape everything that was going on. It was in the middle of the week and had no real idea of where to go so I told him to figure it out and let me know, that was around 5pm. It now 8pm and I have yet to hear from him, its cold so I decide to change into my pj's. I text him and say,"I'm already in my pj's have you figured out where we are going? And did you invite Jose?" He replies with, "Jose can't go. Since he can't go I figured you weren't gonna go now." So I'm like what? I text him back, "I never said I wasn't going but now I'm not and Jose has nothing to do with it." I didn't here from him the rest of the night. The next day Jose invites me to tigerheat. As Jose and I are at tigerheat I run into Jonathan or rather Jonathan's friend. Jonathan sees me and takes off, avoiding me I guess. Time passes and I'm pretty much wasted lol. I remember being outside on the patio talking to 2 really cute boys when I turn around and see Jonathan, anything after that is none existent, damn that must have been a great night lol. The next day I text Jonathan to ask if it was him I saw and to see if he had a good night. He was short with me but I didn't think anything of it at first. Later that night I noticed he deleted me from his Facebook and then he ended our friendship for good. I also figured that might end my friendship with Jose bit to my surprise it didn't. In fact it made my friendship with Jose better, we started hanging out a lot more. One night soon after Jonathan ended our friendship Jose had said something about Jonathan and at the point I told Jose if he knew that Jonathan and I weren't friends anymore? He said said yes and that Jonathan had told him about it. Which got me thinking, what exactly did he say? So i ask Jose and he plays it off acting like he doesn't really remember too much of the conversation, but he does say, and this is how i understood it, that Jonathan thinks im crazy and that he told Jose that he shouldn't hang out with me anymore. I was like wow! But what Jose said next put a huge smile on my face. Jose told Jonathan that, "I can hang out with whoever I want and that the only person being crazy is you." So in a way I kind of took it like Jose defended me and chose me over Jonathan or at least that's how I want to see it lol. The sad part is I can't believe Jonathan would go around talking bad about me like that.

Valentine's day comes around and Jose comes over to my house to get ready to go out. Jose wanted me to write all over his body and to draw hearts which I must say I loved doing. I wish I could have kissed him that night.... Anyways almost got off track lol so Jose and I get to the club and Jonathan starts texting him to go to the club. We get inside and as we are heading downstairs to the dance floor Jonathan is coming upstairs. I don't give him attitude, I don't give him any dirty looks, in fact all I do is give him a smile, a hug and say, "how are you?" That was it. While on the dance floor Jonathan comes and finds us because such a huge dance floor and he ends up dancing next to us. Then his friend who I love and is a friend of mine says, "this is so awkward." And I'm just like what's awkward? I'm just dancing and having a good time. Then Jonathan tries to get up on jose like they use to and make out or so it looks like to me. Which I'm not gonna lie is starting to Piss me off lol. But then Jose pushes him away and it made me want him even more that night. Again that's another story and no, nothing ever happened between jose and I, ever. Throughout the whole night Jonathan kept texting Jose talking about me. Saying things like, "oh now he has you to use and take him places." Etc. And I know this because Jose showed me every text Jonathan sent him. I simply leaned into Jose and told him, "just to be clear I haven't said one bad thing about Jonathan, ever."

I never saw Jonathan again after that night. To this day I don't have any bad feelings toward Jonathan, well except when it comes to Jose lol. But like I said that's a whole other story. I wish Jonathan the very best and I hope he can be happy and learn to love himself because despite what he might think about himself, he's really a great guy. Although he does need a filter lol. Again I'll add pics as soon as I can.

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